Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Devotions: Blessings of Transformation

How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity,
And in whose spirit there is no deceit!

Psalm 32:2 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

How happy indeed is anyone who does not bear the guilt of their sin! I love the hymn Redeemed by Fanny Crosby, “Redeemed! How I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb…His child and forever I am!” What joy, what blessing! When we believe in Jesus, repent of our sin and ask Him into our lives to help us live as He does, we receive His redemption and are reconciled to God. It is the greatest gift and blessing we could ever receive and one we could in no way earn or deserve! There is a second part to this blessing; happy are those in whose spirit there is no deceit. They are the ones who are truly saved. Sadly there are many who believe in Jesus but are not truly saved. To simply "believe" that He is who He says He is is not enough. Even Satan and the demons believe that, probably with greater certainty than we do, but they are not saved. The difference is the affect that belief has on our hearts. True belief requires some amount of obedience/submission and causes a transformation in our hearts and lives. After we are saved we begin to hate sin and become more like Christ. That change in lifestyle does not make us saved; rather it is proof that we are saved. It is not a continual upward progression with no falls, there is some relapse at times, but there is at least a gradual increase. Those who are not truly saved are deceived because they believe that they will go to heaven, but in reality they won’t. We need to seek the kind of faith that is without deceit. We need to seek the faith that transforms!

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