Grace and peace be
multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that
His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and
godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by
His own glory and excellence.
2 Peter 1:2-3 New American Standard Bible
God has given us
everything we need to live a godly life; physically, spiritually, mentally and
emotionally. He has supplied everything we need for life and to cope with
everything we meet in life. That comes through a true knowledge of Him. It is
not enough to have an idea of Him, or to know part of the story about Him. We
have to know the truth, and the whole truth. We have to have an accurate
picture of Him as drawn by the Bible, not swayed by any human ideas or
philosophies. That is the only way we have access to His divine power. Through
that divine power, we have what we need for life, but we also have grace and
peace. Knowledge of God (and this means a relational knowledge not just
intellectual) gives us His grace, which gifts us with every good thing, and
peace. This grace refers to salvation, which is purely a gift of His good will,
and to every good thing we have in this life. Grace is being given something
(good) we don’t deserve. This peace is not referring to lack of conflict, but
an inner peace that comes from having a right relationship with God where we
are no longer enemies. By nature we are objects of God’s wrath, enemies of His
divine person. But because of the sacrifice of Jesus and God’s grace and mercy
we can have peace with Him through His reconciliation. That is the only way we
can have true peace with Him and with others. The deeper our relationship with
God is, the more grace and peace we will receive (or realize). He has called us
into a relationship with Him because of His own glory and excellence. It was
for Himself that He chose us. Do you have God’s grace and peace? Do you know
Him in a personal way? Do you have His power to go through life?
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